Thursday, August 28, 2008

All I really need to know...

... I learned at local franchised restaurants.

Some people say they learned their "stuff" in kindergarten. But I beg to differ with those people. I learn my stuff at restaurants I frequent with some degree of regularity.

Today, I walked into Doc Green's, a local salad eatery with the best friggin' "build your own" salads I've ever put in my pouty little mouth.

My friend Doc? He knows his greens. He also knows that I do so enjoy my hankering for field greens with almond slivers, bleu cheese, strawberries, almonds, one hard-boiled egg and raspberry vinaigrette dressing. But I digress.

Today, I walked into Doc Green's, and the pretty lady behind the counter greeted me immediately! "Hello, Lindsay!"

"Oh!" (Oh my!). "Hello!" I said with a smile.

This lady was much better than Nate. Because, if you recall from my journey into hot dog land earlier this summer, Nate sucked.

So I put in my order and made my way around the counter. At the register, she said "You know, you always come in here smiling! And so fresh looking!" (I was wondering if all this salad lingo was going to her head...)

"Wow!" I replied. "Thank you so much." This was very nice icing on an otherwise-drab day.

Then, to top it all off, she gave me a discount on my salad! Sure, it was only two bucks... but those are two bucks I can use elsewhere and, really, it was about the gesture more than anything.

I walked out of Doc Green's a little bit happier than when I walked in. That lady made me feel special.

Rewind to last week when I did a quick grab-and-go lunch at the Quizno's just down the street from my office.

The manager on duty, Dan (whom I call "inconspicuous Dan" to his face, because he scribbled his name on his name tag in such a way that it might say "Doo" or "Daaaa" or the ever popular "D-squiggly-line"), remembered my name when I walked in the door too!

I walked in, and Dan exclaimed, "It's Lindsay Apple!" (Note to all of you in the witness protection program: don't make friends with Dan.)

Just as I did today, I smiled and laughed and told Dan I was happy to see him. And do you know what? Dan gave me a discount on my sandwich! Just like that! Bam-- 15% off at Quizno's!

These people. Are. So. Nice!

So I just want to throw this out there for the world. I just learned two things:

1. Be nice to people. Smile at them and ask them about their days. Random strangers, people you know, whatever. Because, I'll be darned, they remember it. And then they give you random compliments and discounted food.

and 2. Maybe I eat out too much.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

There's a restaurant I frequent pretty much every Friday. Dude knows my order, all the way down to the "no onions" part. Heart warming.

However, if you stop eating out so much, the grocery store cashier will start making comments. My checkout lady always notices when I get my hair cut. Should I be freaked out?