Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Real Men Bring Cupcakes

My friend Stephen is a god.

I decided this on Sunday afternoon when he brought me a large, triple chocolate cupcake from Whole Foods. After all, the scientific term for the Cocoa Tree is "Theobrama Cacao"... which is the Greek term for "Food for the Gods."

I can only deduce that if the food is meant FOR the gods, it must come FROM a god. Therefore... Stephen = a god.

That is the way my logic works. And I like it.

I enjoyed that Triple Chocolate deliciousness for two days. That s*** was amazing.

In other news, I stumbled across this website today that made me absolutely pee myself. (Not in public, though, because we all know how I feel about public urination.)

The site is called "Postcards from Yo Momma". Let me give you the scoop: people go to this site and post bits of chats or emails from their mothers. Some are semi-funny. Some are roll-on-the-floor-and-snort-embarrassingly funny.

So, here is your homework assignment for the day.

1. Go there.
2. Think of what your mother would say. And trust me, you'll want to click back to read previous entries. Some of the best ones ever are a couple pages in.
3. Come back here and tell me your own stories.


1 comment:

Jo said...

Thanks for the website - it was good for quite a few laughs. I don't have any comments to add to the whole yo momma page - you know - it's just whack. But it was really funny just the same. So glad your blogging!